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Adaptation by Woody Guthrie

Aparece en la discografía de

Buffalo Gals

Versión de Woody Guthrie
I danced all night with a bottle in my hand
A bottle in my hand, a bottle in my hand
O oozed right over in the promised land
Tell me, won't you come out tonight

I danced with a gal with a hole in her stocking
her heel kept a-rockin' and her toe kept a-knockin'
I danced with a gal with a hole in her stocking
And we danced in the light of the moon

I danced all night with a bottle in my hand
A bottle in my hand, a bottle in my hand
I danced all night with a bottle in my hand
And oozed right over to the promised land

I got a gal that lives on the hill
Lives on the hill, lives on the hill
I've got a gal that lives on the hill
Tell me, won't you come out tonight

The bootlegger's daughter and I love her still
I love her still, I love her still
The bootlegger's daughter and I love her still
Tell me, won't you come out tonight

I danced all night with a bottle in my hand
a bottle in my hand, a bottle in my hand
I danced all night with a bottle in my hand
Oozed right over in the promised land

Hurry up, Joe, and don't go slow
Hurry up, Joe, and don't go slow
Chicken in the bread pan, picking out the dough
Hurry up, Pa, and on you go

Well, a right foot up, left foot down
swing that gal around and round
right wing up, left wing down
you just go a-kickin' at the floor

I danced all night with a bottle in my hand
a bottle in my hand, a bottle in my hand
I danced all night with a bottle in my hand
and oozed right over in the promised land






el 08/05/2024

Giovanna Marini, una figura histórica del canto popular italiano, falleció a los 87 años tras una breve enfermedad. Su dedicación a la música y la tradición oral ha dejado una profunda huella en varias generaciones de músicos y oyentes. Ella recogió y popularizó la canción Bella Ciao.

Novedad discográfica

el 17/05/2024

El trovador cubano Silvio Rodríguez ha anunciado la publicación para este próximo mes de junio de su nuevo álbum Quería saber con canciones "del siglo XXI menos una".