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Translated: Angela Buxton

Aparece en la discografía de

The one who knows it all

Versión de Raimon
Let the one who knows it all not come to listen to me,
let him not come to listen to me.
I have always sung for whoever has wished to learn
because I still learn from whoever listens to me,
from whoever silences me or doesn't listen,
that's why I say:
let the one who knows it all
not come to listen to me,
not come to listen to me.
Desire and hope,
unaccepted defeat,
the doubt of knowing everything,
well earned happiness,
the sadness of a time sick
with forced hypocrisy
that we want quite different,
is what I sing about.
Let the one who knows it all
not come to listen to me,
not come to listen to me.
A sure cry and a few nuances,
poems by old poets,
one love still alive,
a lot of built up rage
in the necessary fight
against the immense mattress
that they want to put on top of us,
is what I sing about.
Let the one who knows it all
not come to listen to me,
not come to listen to me.
The daily disaster that drags on
for years and years,
the slowness of recovery
and those who fall on the way,
the badly aimed shots
and, why not say so too,
a faith, a great faith
in certain people,
is what I sing about.
Let the one who knows it all,
not come to listen to me,
not come to listen to me.






Novedad discográfica

por María Gracia Correa el 03/04/2024

El jueves 14 de marzo Mayte Martín presentó en el Teatro de la Maestranza de Sevilla su nuevo espectáculo: Tatuajes. Se trata de una colección de joyas de grandes autores universales llevados magistralmente al territorio particular de la artista. Con este concierto y con el disco que lleva el mismo nombre, rinde homenaje a la canción de autor más global, a la que traspasa fronteras y conforma una parte primordial de la memoria sentimental de diferentes generaciones.

Novedad discográfica

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