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Translation: Inter-Church Commitee on Chile

Aparece en la discografía de


There is France and their nuclear game,
there is Nixon and the pain of Vietnam.
Here, the birth of popular power,
as things go, I’ll end up a soldier.

At the same time I look for your eyes,
I have lost them without them I cannot see.

I feel that my eardrums will burst,
too much smoking is ruining my song.
In Argentina chaos is all,
my good friends are jailed in Uruguay.

”Chamaco”* and television and attract me,
as a powerful magnet they act.
Fidel celebrates with his people
happily singing a song.

The party calls me to battle.
I am poor and I have only my song
Your work takes you near the station.
There is no more time for our love.

I have trouble getting to sleep.
In the morning I cannot go out.
With a cup of coffee I read the news,
I don’t know what will happen.

Where are we all going to end up.
This string will not resist.
The Cardinal thinks this is so,
so it is urgent that we find a way.

* Refers to Francisco ”Chamaco” Valdés, the great chilean soccer player





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