Allie X


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Living grand, fat off the land
Lick my lips and suck the bones dry again
Raising kids, make a wish
Count the days dead stars keep shining

We had all we needed
Built up and burned down Eden

Too many colors left me blind
My head won’t let me back inside
Whose voice gonna shout for us now?
Whose choice when the options run out?

Take all you want, all you can eat
Follow your dreams ’til you can't sleep
We are dying while our hearts keep beating
And I’m misbelieving

Prophet came, a profit made
Sweet milk made a bitter child
Poet schemes, robot dreams
Were qualified but no one’s hired

We had all we needed
Built up and burned down Eden

Too many colors left me blind
My head won’t let me back inside
Whose voice gonna shout for us now?
Whose choice when the options run out?

Take all you want, all you can eat
Follow your dreams ’til you can't sleep
We are dying while our hearts keep beating
And I’m misbelieving

Take all you want, all you can eat
Follow your dreams ’til you can't sleep
We are dying while our hearts keep beating
And I’m misbelieving

Autor(es): Alexandra Hughes