Allen - Lande

My Own Way Home

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There is no one here to ask
No one here will guide
And show me where to go
Who am I to know
Too many crossroads in my way
Too many unanswered questions left
I can't remember how I came here

But I won't loose my faith
I never have I never will
I won't give up I'm gonna find my own way home
But I won't loose my faith
I never have I never will
I won't give up I need to find my own way home

Many days and nights have passed
Many miles I walked in way
The world is silent here. I can only hear my heart beat
There is no life in sight not a sound of hope
It seems so far right now to my horizon

But I won't loose my faith

A journey without an end
I'm reaching for the world
I travel over unknown land
As I cry inside my lonely soul

But I won't loose my faith

Autor(es): Jorn Lande / Russell Allen