No Longer Touching Ground

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Something happens to me when I'm lying down
I'm so closed but I know that I am wide awake
There's a feeling a tiny vibration
I can't move and I am unable to use my voice

It's keeping me down
That something's pulling me up
Then increasingly I feel unliving

When I'm moving there's no sound
Then my vision seeks around
It doesn't feel unreal
Not bagged dreams are real
It feels like I'm no longer touching the ground

Then above there is something just passing by
That's my dream I grab it and change the storyline
When I focus it's something it does appear
Like my mind is playing a game I do not know
Off! No i don't want, but still I'm feeling as bold
I need to know if there are any others

When I'm moving there's no sound
Then my vision seeks around
It doesn't feel unreal
Not bagged dreams are real
It feels like I'm no longer touching the ground

All this time I've been afraid
That is why I never stayed
Always faint, i need to know.
I decide to let go

When I'm moving there's no sound
Then my vision seeks around
When I'm moving there's no sound
Then my vision seeks around
It doesn't feel unreal
Not bagged dreams are real
It feels like I'm no longer touching the ground