
Silent Tears

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Wasn´t it her the feet in the mud
who had whisspering words to God
And wasen´t it her never aimless in quest
who held on to her goddies but
You called it rubbish
and wasn´t it her who kept her tears away
Only to be not as weak as you

Silent tears,
runnin so loudly,
it´s impossible not to hear
Not to hear them

Silent tears,
runnin so loudly,
it´s impossible not to hear
Not to hear them

And she decided to stay and not to run away
till the sun is shinin´again
But bloody kisses fallin´down...
down in her hands and in yours
And it rains yes it rains however
Wasn´t she me the hands on the ears
Oh..I`am crying, crying, crying
A bloody exhausted smile

Silent tears,
runnin so loudly,
it´s impossible not to hear
Not to hear them

When the moon´s your daddy
and the stars are your home

When the moon´s your daddy
and the stars are your home

Silent Tears...

Silent tears,
runnin so loudly,
it´s impossible not to hear
Oh your silent tears,
your silent tears,
your silent tears...
are killing me