Skunk Anansie

Spit You Out

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And this feeling's killing me
Resistance makes it harder
Oh this feeling's killing me
I can't cut you out of my veins
Like I know I should
'Cause you feel too good
Yeah this feeling's killing me

I can't spit you out
Can't spit you out
Can't spit you out
Of my head

I can't suck you out
Can't suck you out
Can't suck you out
Of my head

Oh the knife is turning sweet
Twisting ever faster
Suck me down I'm falling deep
I can't work you out of my skull
Like I know I should
'Cause you look too good
Yeah the pain's corrupting me

I can't spit you out
Can't spit you out
Can't spit you out
Of my head

I can't suck you out
Can't suck you out
Can't suck you out
Of my head

I can't spit you out
Can't spit you out
Can't spit you out
Of my head

I can't suck you out
Can't suck you out
Can't suck you out
Of my head

Autor(es): ,Shaka Ponk

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