Advent of Bedlam

The Darkest Alliance

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"come with us, we are preparing for battle
For tonight we will conquer the world!
From south to north, we gather and rise
Loyal to those by my side

Horns up,
Dressed in black,
Metalheads, ours is the world so embrace it
Bang your head,
Shout it out, the chant that deep down we all know

United, we stand as one
Beliefs divide, metal unites!
We are like fire spreading across the land!
Feel our flame… let it burn!

Freedom of soul, freedom of mind, embrace our darkest realm
By metal we are bound, together as one

Horns up,
Dressed in black,
Bang your head!
Shout it out!
Chant with us!

We're growing and growing so we will not fall
We'll rise up in battle against the false
Join us and carry our standard
It's also your cause, for metal is in your blood
Let it flow and embrace it

Become one with our fire
Stand with us and fill this empty path
Burn with desire

One direction to follow
We will march tonight
Brothers and sisters rise

We are the alliance,
Ours is the call,
Ours is the future,
To carry and spread the word"
We are the fire
That never dies
Brothers and sisters rise"

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Advent of Bedlam en Octubre