
Theme from Wayne's World

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Let's do it
Far out
Alright here we go

One two a one two three

It's wayne's world
It's wayne's world
It's party time
It's excellent
It's wayne's world
It's wayne's world
It's party time
It's excellent

Chicks go mental when we go down the street
It's wayne and garth when they want to meet
We're in the basement playin' with our toys
And if you do not like it you're a sphincter boy

Ow wayne's world
Wayne's world
It's party time
It's excellent
Wayne's world
Wayne's world
Wayne's world
It's party time
It's excellent yeah-ah yeah
Yeah thank you thank you goodnight goodnight

Good night and party on
Aurora rocks aurora rocks
Thank you, good night
God bless you and don't forget to wear a rubber
Aurora rocks
Aurora rocks
Good night and party on

Autor(es): Marshall / Myers