Teddy Geiger

Tomorrow Never Comes

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You wake up with the radio on
And "I've Got You Babe" is the same old song
So you walk outside to greet the world
But it all goes up flames
And then you try to break the girl
It's the same mistake over and over again

Say goodbye to one more day
And another chance for you to change
You're spinnin' circles 'round the sun
But tomorrow never comes
Tomorrow never comes

Back in the same day once again
No consequences in a life without an end
So you take the money and watch it burn
As it all goes up in flames
Until you realize what you've got to learn
You'll make the same mistake over and over again

Say goodbye to one more day
And another chance for you to change
You're spinnin' circles 'round the sun
But tomorrow never comes
Tomorrow never comes

Say goodbye to one more day
And another chance for you to change
Until you see what you become
Keep spinnin' circles 'round the sun
Until you finally love someone
Tomorrow never comes
Tomorrow never comes
Tomorrow never comes
Tomorrow never comes