Keke Wyatt

Travel the World (Love Uses Time)

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Why does this happens to girls
Like me again and again and again
Why can't it be real love, real love
You gave your loving and took it away,
You made my head spin
This is the loving I need
If we could freeze time then
Maybe you'd be mine
Nothing you would be fine
'Cause the time wouldn't matter
You can't stop the clock tics,
So we gotta stop this
Baby let's just drop it, whoa

I could have traveled the world,
But I was somebody's girl
Because I thought it was real
And love uses time up
I could have been morning
But not to keep coming
When you really you don't see
How love uses time up

What kind of girl you think I am
To sit around and wait for you
While my life is crashing by
The wasted my time all on you
That's why I can't stick around,
Stick around if we could freeze time
Then maybe you'd be mine
Nothing you would be fine
'Cause the time wouldn't matter
You can't stop the clock tics
So we gotta stop this
Baby let's just drop it, whoa

I could have traveled the world
But I was somebody's girl
Because I thought it was real
And love uses time up
I could have been morning
But not to keep coming
When you really you don't see
How love uses time up

When I thought I found one more me
You came and changed everything
I had my life in best next is
Now I wish I had no hesitation
I could have traveled the world
But I was somebody's girl
Because I thought it was real
And love uses time up
I could have been morning
But not to keep coming
When you really you don't see
How love uses time up