Skunk Anansie

Twisted (Everyday Hurts)

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I cried on my blood day
There was nothing that I
Could hold on to
Just a line could have helped
Remind me of you, of you

I screamed till the blood came
I was living in a cloud of hope
Lover's kiss then they make a wish
To the end, they pretend

Everyday hurts a little more
Everyday hurts a little more
And I'll do anything
Yes I'll do anything
To belong
To be strong
To say there's nothing wrong
Everyday hurts a little more
Everyday hurts a little more
And I'll do anything
Yes I'll do anything
To belong
To be strong
To say there's nothing wrong
Everyday hurts

I cried in the sunlight
Would I fake all the times I loved you
Just to play in a game of twisted with you
With you
I need to believe you
Sacrificed all the lies we made up
How we kissed then we made our wish
to the end, to the end


Time made me confide in you
So contrived were the words you sold me
Now nothing can swallow
The feeling so shallow inside

Autor(es): Len Arran

Twisted (Everyday Hurts) de Skunk Anansie

Esta canción aparece en 12 discos

25Live@25 (Live) - Skunk Anansie
25Live@25 (Live)
25Live@25 - Skunk Anansie
25 Live @ 25 - Skunk Anansie
25 Live @ 25
25Live@25 - Skunk Anansie
An Acoustic Skunk Anansie (Live In London) - Skunk Anansie
An Acoustic Skunk Anansie (Live In London)
An Acoustic Skunk Anansie - Live in London - Skunk Anansie
An Acoustic Skunk Anansie - Live in London
An Acoustic Skunk Anansie – Live In London - Skunk Anansie
An Acoustic Skunk Anansie – Live In London
Smashes and Trashes (The Greatest Hits) [Remastered] {Bonus Track Version} - Skunk Anansie
Smashes and Trashes (The Greatest Hits) [Remastered] {Bonus Track Version}
Smashes and Trashes - the Best of the Remixes - Skunk Anansie
Smashes and Trashes - the Best of the Remixes
Stoosh - Skunk Anansie
Twisted - Everyday Hurts , Vol. 1 - EP - Skunk Anansie
Twisted - Everyday Hurts , Vol. 1 - EP
Twisted (Everyday Hurts) [CD 1] - EP - Skunk Anansie
Twisted (Everyday Hurts) [CD 1] - EP
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