Allen - Lande

Under the Waves

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Seeking for shelter
Hunting for life
Running from creatures
Led me to chose the wrong way
Hold on! It's not far now
Soon you'll can hear the sound of the sea
Hold on! Just a few more steps
And the sea will embrace you

Under the waves, deep down below
Where the evil ones won't dare to go
Under the waves, the deep dark blue
Where the angels will find you
Under the waves, deep down below
Where the evil ones won't dare to go
Under the waves, the deep dark blue
Where the angels will find you

Searching for peace
Longing for calm
Escaping the liars
That led you on to wicked ways

Hold on! It's not far now
Soon you'll can hear the sound of the sea
Hold on! Just a few more steps
And the sea will embrace you

Under the waves, deep down below
Where the evil ones won't dare to go
Under the waves, the deep dark blue
Where the angels will find you
Under the waves, deep down below
Where the evil ones won't dare to go
Under the waves, the deep dark blue
Where the angels will find you