
World Leave Me Alone

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I've never been a thief, but I won't say I'll never steal
I've never been a star, but that doesn't mean I don't appeal
I always read the bible, but too seldom do I kneel
Well, I disregard the writing, and I play just what I feel

So what do I care?
Why should I care?
All I really want is something more than you can order from a telephone
If they call, I'm not at home
So write it off as another loss
And let the world leave me alone
Let the world leave me alone

I've been a truthful man, but I won't say I've never lied
I've always had a plan, but somehow it never was applied
Never got my share of lovin'; I've always been denied
I ain't greedy, but I aim to take what rightfully is mine

All I really want is something that I do not have to share
Hide it under lock and key so they'll never see
Or they'll never know
And let someone else be responsible
And let the world leave me alone

People try to tell me I'm a dreamer
Wastin' everybody else's time
Movin' all around, I'm just a schemer
Gettin' into everybody's way

Let the world leave me alone
Let the world leave me alone
Let the world leave me alone
World leave me alone

Autor(es): David Pack