Debby Boone

You Took My Heart By Surprise

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Just when i thought my heart had no feeling,
And life had no music, no rhythm or rhyme
You came along, like a warm summer wind,
You lifted me up when i needed a friend

You gave me a song
You took all my sorrows
And brushed all the tears from my eyes
Now your love has filled me,
It's warmed me and thrilled me,
You took my heart by surprise

I hear your name and without a warning,
I find that I'm singing a new kind of song
Your kind of loving is so hard to find
But you help me leave all my failures behind

You gave me a song
You took all my sorrows
And brushed all the tears from my eyes
Now your love has filled me,
It's warmed me and thrilled me,
You took my heart by surprise

You took my heart by surprise