The Damned

Since I Met You

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Since I met you
The lyrics of songs
Mean something new to me
They sound more real
They reflect how I feel
Even the stupid ones

And I want to scream "turn it off!"
Cos I don't want to hear
Cos I'm in a stew
They mean something new
Real and true
Real and true

They won't let me be
They seem to see
Deep inside of me
Since I met you
The world seems to sing
Meanings incessantly

The voice of the sea
Calling to me
Happy insanity
In a Dublin café
I hear what they say
But I say "No way!"

(Is this the love I always wanted?) Cos it just can't be right
(Is this the love I always wanted?) It gives me a fright
It's a load of... (white wash) [x2]
Or is it?

Since I met you
The lyrics of songs
Mean something new to me
And I'm in a stew
Cos they mean something new
Real and true [x5]
Since I met you