J.j. Cale


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Throwing flowers out her window
And smiling like she can
Fonda-Lina must try it hard to attract the men
With her bosoms hanging over the window sill
It´s a story as old as Jesus
Fonda-Lina has a void to fill

Fonda-Lina says "can you hear me?" to the men below
She sighs " come to my bedroom, please, don´t answer no "
With her bosoms hanging over the window sill
It´s a story as old as Jesus
Fonda-Lina has a void to fill

She´s not impatient, just excited
Expectations, very high
She´s just a woman in need of passion
Fonda-Lina that passes by
With her bosoms hanging over the window sill
It´s a story as old as Jesus
Fonda-Lina has a void to fill
Fonda-Lina has a void to fill.