Allie X


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Follow the bright circle
Past the great wall
Beyond the mountains that burn

Packed up things from your house
And put them away
I knew that I was going to go away
From these things
But I knew

Lifted up the mattress off the fire escape
We left the truck door open, so you could escape through the fire
Through the fire

Am I making a mistake
Swimming the wrong way?
Am I?

Am I making a mistake
Should I hit the breaks?
Should I?

When you left that day you didn't hug me goodbye
And I called out your name so I could tell you goodbye when you left

Kissed me on the forehead and said I was strange
I looked at you and nodded
And said
"I am strange"
"I am strange"

Am I making a mistake
Swimming the wrong way?
Am I making a mistake
Should I hit the breaks?

You tell me that I am strange
That I need to change
Do I?

So I am making change, there's no other way
In my mind

Through the fire [x3]

(Am I making a mistake?)
(Am I swimming the wrong way?)
(Am I making a mistake?)
(Am I going the wrong way?)

Am I making a mistake, going the wrong way?
(I can go, but I can't not change my ways)
Should I hit the breaks?
I'll go, I'll change my ways

Through the fire [x6]

(Am I making a mistake?)

(Am I going the wrong way)

(Am I making a mistake?)

(Am I going the wrong way?)

Am I making a mistake? [x5]