Chris Montez

When the heart is full of llove

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when I was very very young
I wondered if I’ll ever know
What it felt like to be loved
How would it look and would it show

When your heart your heart is full of love
Then your eye your your eyes begin to overflow
Cuando el Corazon esta lleno de amor
Los ojos comienzan a llorar

Then on a road of life we cross
And in each other we were lost
I guess you’d make a smile appear
But in your eyes I saw shiny tears

When your heart your heart is full of Love
Then your eyes your eyes begin to overflow
Cuando el Corazon esta lleno de amor
Los ojos comienzan a llorar

I stood there looking at our sun
So full of joy I could not speak
I turn to kiss you and I learned
That tears are warm upon the cheek

When your heart your heart is full of love
Then your eyes your eyes begin to overflow
Cuando el Corazon esta lleno de amor (When the heart is full of love)
Los ojos comienzan a llorar