Allie X


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I close
My eyes
So turn the light
I wish to start
The blood
No, i had a
Vision i lost
Only the pain will come again
It didn't hurt enough
Dear God take blood
Give me magic
I want magic
In the dark


I'm so in vain
I made a choice
To fight, declare the war
Heat up metal
Sharpen the sword
With no suprise
Open my eyes
and fog was all i saw
If i'm fighting mine
will it pay up
will it ever come to life

Do i deserve what i get
Do i keep dragging over
Sing happy tunes
Into my heart

Selling my soul for days right now
Haven't i learned enough
Hiding, healing body alone
I close my eyes at night
I wish to rise
Above the dust
If i'm fighting mine
will it pay up
will it ever come to life

Do i deserve what i get
Do i keep dragging over
Sing happy tunes
into my heart

Ah ah ah ah ah ah

Do i deserve what i get
Do i keep dragging over
Sing happy tunes
Into my heart

I close my eyes at night
I wish to rise
Above the dust
If i'm fighting mine
will it pay up
will it aid me