Allie X

That's Just Me

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I keep getting parking tickets from not looking at the signs
Maybe I'm not the responsible kind
And I have an Uncle and an Aunt who love the BBC
They can sit there all night watching AGT

I have a history of abusive best friends
I used to take to chewing on a pen
I used to use big words but that all went to shit
When I became an artist
An artist

And I'm not gonna ask some fancy question
Like what does it all mean
Cause I'm never going to know
I like to scratch my toes
And I like to pick my nose
And I like to pick at the sores til they bleed
And that's just me
Oh that-that's just me
That-that-that's just me

And lately I haven't been sleeping very well
Maybe it's because I sit on my ass all day
And sometimes I feel like I am walking around in hell
Just take away the frills and you can see the floor

I have a history of abusive best friends
I used to take to chewing on a pen
I used to use big words but that all went to shit
When I became an artist
An artist

And I'm not gonna ask some fancy question
Like what does it all mean
Cause I'm never going to know
I like to scratch my toes
And I like to pick my nose
And I like to pick at the sores til they bleed
And that's just me
Oh that-that's just me
That is just me

That's just me
That-that-that's just me
Tha-tha-that's just me