Teddy Geiger

Always Out To Get Us

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Always out to get you
Yeah, they're always out to get you
So keep your doors and windows locked

Well let me tell you
You're so far
From where you should be
I've noticed things about you
Didn't think were in you
And now you're running from me

Always out to get you
Yeah, they're always out to get you
So keep your doors and windows locked
Cause they're always out to get you
Yeah they're always out to get you
So keep your doors and windows locked

Well the things that we do differently
Are the things that make us the same
And the things I think when I'm alone
Are the same things you're running from
We're both running

Always out to get us, yeah
Always out to get us
So keep our doors and windows locked
Cause they're always out to get us, yeah
Always out to get us
So let's keep our doors and windows locked

Let's keep 'em locked, so far, so down
No one ever knows who we are
Because we don't wanna get hurt
We don't want to cry
No we don't want to get hurt
We don't wanna cry

Cause they're always out to get us
Yeah they're always out to get us
So keep your doors and windows locked
Yeah they're always out to get us
Well they're always out to get us
So keep your doors and windows locked

Always out to get us, they're always out to get us
Let's keep our doors, let's keep our doors
And windows locked