Rozwell Kid


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I had a finger deep inside my nose
I was digging through a lonely scene
In here waiting all day for your call
I just sit around and pick it clean
When I finally felt that mobile buzz
I didn't even wait to hear it ring

And I swiped to answer
And shouted, "Hello"
And I got a booger on my screen
Oh no
Booger smeared across my screen
I don't wanna let anything
Keep me from sayin', "I love you"
Not even a booger on my screen

And when you told me we were history
I exploded in a broken dream
I was silent, frozen, all alone
You said "Goodbye" and cut the chord with me
And I sank down, swallowed by the couch
I lost my number one, my everything

And my bright reminder
In the whole wide world
Is a booger on my screen
Booger smeared across my screen
I don't wanna clean anything
That reminds me of sayin', "I love you"
Not even a booger on my screen

Autor(es): Jordan Hudkins, Adam L. Meisterhans, Devin Donnelly, Sean Hallock