Douglas Mann

Burning Bridges

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Just like the seasons that turn
Some bridges are meant to burn
See the flames lick the sky
Singe the heavens that sit on high

Burning bridges in the night
Breathe in child, live your life
Burning bridges, burning bright
Rise up now, claim your right

Bring your baggage from the past
It was never meant to last
Stack them deep, stack 'em high
Some things need to die

Burning bridges in the night
Breathe in child, live your life
Burning bridges, burning bright
Rise up now, claim your right

Embers dim from the night
Leave the shadows for the light
Sense the freedom in the air
No more burden to bear

Burning bridges in the night
Breathe in child, live your life
Burning bridges, burning bright
Rise up now, claim your right
Rise up now, and claim
Your right

Autor(es): Douglas C. Mann