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The sky is the dark
and the dry wind is blowing
before my eyes.
The scene is spread out darkly.
I saw everything
is not appealing to me.
How long time
when you had gone from me.
The time is still stop.
I don't know until
when it's staying in my hearts.
It is the day you leave me.
Turn away
from my hearts right away.
I will never be the same
without you.
Because I can't
get you out of my mind.
No one love me.
touch me. no where.
I just call your name.
I don't want to be alone.
I hope you will be with me.
Until the end of the world.

You always asked me
"Love is foreve or not?"
"I don't know that."
I just said so at that time.
Anybody doesn't know
about the truth.
But you knew answer all along.
Turn away
from my hearts right away.
I will never be the same
without you.
Because I can't
get you out of my mind.
No one love me.
touch me,no where.
I just call your name.
I don't want to be alone.
I hope you will be with me
Until the end of the world.

Turn away
from my hearts right away.
I will never be the same
without you.
Because I can't
get you out of my mind.
No one love me.
touch me,no where.
I just call your name.
I don't
I don't want to be alone.
I hope you will be with me
Until the end of the world world

Autor(es): nakamura yuuichi