Dying Tonight

Can You Feel It On Your Mind

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Can you feel it on your mind(你能感受到它吗?)
Can you feel it on your mind,can you hear this song tonight.(就在今晚,你能感受到它吗?你能听到这首歌吗?)I will sing for you until the day I die,don't say goodbye.(我会一直为你歌唱,不会结束)
This is the way I wanna take,so my faith never fade away.(这是我所选择的方式,因此我会一直坚持下去,我的信念不会改变)
Come with me to the exciting stage,without a word want to say.(来吧,这里没有任何多余的言语,只有令人激动的舞台)
Everyone I love will be OK,the shadow leave my life away.(糟糕的事情已经抛诸脑后,每个人都尽情享受)
The song I sing for you today,I will make you want to stay. (此歌今天为你而唱,希望能留住你的目光)
No escape,can you hear the song today.(不要离开,此歌今天为你而唱)
Don't be afraid,come with me to stage.(不要害怕,请和我来到台前)
Can you feel it on your mind,can you hear this song tonight.(就在今晚,你能感受到它吗?你能听到这首歌吗?)
I will sing for you until the day I die,don't say goodbye.(我会一直为你歌唱,不会结束)
Can you feel it on your mind,can you hear this song tonight.(就在今晚,你能感受到它吗?你能听到这首歌吗?)
I will sing for you until the day I die,don't say goodbye.(我会一直为你歌唱,不会结束)
Hey you,everything we do not in vain.(嘿,我们所做的一切不会白费)
Please push your trouble away,no one can take me to grave. (请抛开一切烦恼,没人能打败我们)
I just wanna see you everyday,lost in your smile I can't escape.(我只想每天与你相见,看见你的笑脸我已沦陷)
I don't know how to push away,just now I wanna see your face.(我已深陷其中不能自拔,现在只想与你相见)
No escape,can you hear the song today.(不要离开,此歌今天为你而唱)
Don't be afraid,come with me to stage.(不要害怕,请和我来到台前)
Can you feel it on your mind,can you hear this song tonight.(就在今晚,你能感受到它吗?你能听到这首歌吗?)
I will sing for you until the day I die,don't say goodbye.(我会一直为你歌唱,不会结束)
Can you feel it on your mind,can you hear this song tonight.(就在今晚,你能感受到它吗?你能听到这首歌吗?)
I will sing for you until the day I die,don't say goodbye.(我会一直为你歌唱,不会结束)
Hey you,don't be afraid,no escape,don't go away. Hey you,don't be afraid,no escape,don't go away.(嘿,不要害怕,不再逃避。嘿,不要害怕,不再逃避)

Autor(es): Dying Tonight