Lisa Stansfield

He Touches Me

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He don´t bring me anything but love
He don´t bring me anything but love
If you offered me the stars I would decline
I don´t need ´em I got mine
1 don´t know where to start
But I know what´s in my heart
So keep your silver and your gold
Cos I got my man to have and hold
And even if you promise me
the wonders of the world
It´s not enough
Not enough
No poetry, no diamond ring
No song to sing
He don´t bring me flowers, oh no
But he touches me, he touches me
No crazy dreams, no limousines
He makes me feel I can do anything
And that´s power, oh yeah
When he touches me, he touches me
I know they´ll say I´m crazy letting go
Of a man like you
Who seems to have it all
But they don´t see what I see
No, they don´t feel like me
find even it you promise me
the wonders of the world
And all that stuff
It´s not enough
No poetry, no diamond ring
No song to sing, no
He don´t bring me flowers, oh no
But he touches me
He touches me
He don´t bring me anything but love
He don´t bring me anything but love
No poetry, no diamond ring
No song to sing
He don´t bring me flowers, oh no
But he touches me
He touches me
No crazy dreams, no limousines
He makes me feel like a beauty queen
And that´s power, oh yeah
And he touches me
He touches me
No poetry, no diamond ring
No song to sing
He don´t bring me flowers. oh yeah
Cos he touches me, he touches me
No crazy dreams, no limousines, babe
And that´s power, oh yeah
When he touches me
He touches me
He don´t bring me anything but love
He don´t bring me anything but love