Boy Scouts

Expiration Date

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If I told you
Then I'd have to see you
Couldn't bare to gain you
Then only to lose you

I've seen it fall through
Dissipating truth
I could've told you
Looks like it's lose, lose

Everything great has an expiration date
I think and I wait
For my fate to show up late
With our hands untied
I look you straight where you didn't cry
I've not told you but I am done trying

Once I held you
Shared my bed too
Erased what I knew
To see the decline through

But you just gave up
I've now wised up
We broke the good cup
Guess that's unlucky us

Everything great has an expiration date
I think and I wait
For my fate to show up late
With our hands untied
I look you straight where you didn't cry
I've not told you but I am done trying

Autor(es): Taylor Vick