Nina Simone

How Can I?

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How can I help but love you
Help but want you
Help but need you
How can I hide this feeling
Feeling as I do
How can I make you see me
Make you to me
Take you to me
And I
How can I pic the secret
It's so plan to see
Be mine, please be mine, my darling
I can't ask nothing more
Be mine, please be mine, my darling
You're the one I adore
How can I help but love you
Help but want you
Help but need you
I have one wish
I'm wishing only love me too
How can I make you see me
Wake you to me
Take you to me and I
How can I keep the secret
It's so plan to see
So how can I help but love you
Help but want you
Help but need you
I have one wish
I'm wishing only love me too
How can I help but love you
How can I help but want you
How can I help but need you