Teddy Geiger

Get You

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I'll build a ladder to the stars for just us two
Anything that you could want, I'll give to you
Well, life's to short to let one moment pass me by
Saying nothing, I've been waiting, wasting time
And I'm undoing it for you

Well, I've got my eye on you
I'll do whatever it takes
Whatever it takes to get you
I've got my eye on you
I'll do whatever it takes to get you

I have since so long
I won't, I can't, no way
Now I feel as though I've lost 100 days
Now I know that it hurts more
To stay afraid
I'm learning how to turn around
And face the day
And I'm doing it for you

Well, I've got my eye on you
I'll do whatever it takes
Whatever it takes to get you
I've got my eye on you
I'll do whatever it takes to get you

I've got my eye on you
I'll do whatever it takes
Whatever it takes to get you
I've got my eye on you
I'll do whatever it takes to get you
I'll get you