
I Can't Believe

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Here we go again
Quibbling about the right words
When there's nothing left to say
You say I don't know
I always hurt your feelings
And I don't care anyway
That's a lie
I always cared

Yes it is true I may not be
The sharpest tool in the shed
But I know love when I see it
And I'm looking right at you
Look me in the eye and tell me truly
Why we can't remain the best of friends

I can't believe
We have been though so much together
Why leave me now
When I still love you so

Is there nothing that I can do
To try and convince you to stay
Begging pleading down on my knees
Baby please don't go away

Now that you are gone
How's life treating you
Did you find everything you wanted
Does he love you
Like the way I used to
All the ways you said I forgot
I am free
But I still care

It is hard to believe
I am living without you
Now I live life as I see fit
It's a party every single day
Looking at my reflection in the mirror
To find myself all alone again

I can't believe
We have been though so much together
Why leave me now
When I still love you so

Don't hang up on me baby
I still have some things to say
Even though I still miss you
Wouldn't want it any other way

Autor(es): GT