Hayseed Dixie

I'm Keeping Your Poop

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I'm keepin your poop in a jar
Till the day you come back, so don't forget just what you are
Yeah im keepin your poop in a jar

I thought you took everytihng ,but you left somethin behind.
I scooped it out, i bottled it up. and now its there to stand by the bed to remind me
The taste i could't forget, you're just a piece of poop

Im keeping your poop in a jar,
Till the day you come back so dont forget just what you are,
yeah im keepin your poop in a jar.

I had a moment of weakness once,
I was feeling alittle down.
So i opened the lid for a smell.
Then it all came back to me baby, when the vapor was rubbed,
I remembered you well. It all came back to me, it was just a piece of poop.

Im keepin your poop in a jar, until you come back so dont forget just what you are,
yeah im keepin your poop in a jar, heyaw everybody sing,
Im keepin your poop in a jar,
Till the day you come back so dont forget just what you are yeah im keepin your poop in a jar,
Im keepin your a poop in a jar.