King Metric

Modern Day Tommy Gunn

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Black night
Black eyes
Bent mind
Bent lies
Lit hair
Lit cry
Who want to live
Who wants to die
Rotten milk
Rotten start
Empty casket
Empty heart
Burnt skin
Burnt within
Who wants to live
Who wants to die

I been critized, demoralized
Lied on, jumped, set aside
Left to die, wonder why
Treated like a punk
Back against the wall with a mouth full of blood
I swing back with all my strength
And leave these cowards to the flood
My furies an avalanche just in case you ever doubt
I leave you stranded in miami in the middle of a drought
Don't test my intellect cause there is no use
Ill have you at the border when I'm ready to shoot
I do this for the love you just do this to pollute
But if you wanna square up i hope your gums are the truth
Cause I'm knocking out teeth teeth teeth teeth teeth
And i don't call truce and I'm not to be chewed with
And you know about me me me me
A gentlemen and a gangsta theres a pistol in my suit
A gentlemen and a gangsta theres a pistol in my suit
My family and closest friends the only ones that
I depend on and
They just as strong as me so don't ever do them wrong
My family and closest friends the only ones that
I depend on so
I could never be your friend, homie just stay on the street that you're

Black night
Black eyes
Bent mind
Bent lies
Lit hair
Lit cry
Who want to live
Who wants to die
Rotten milk
Rotten start
Empty casket
Empty heart
Burnt skin
Burnt within
Who wants to live
Who wants to die

Autor(es): King Metric