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The cold funk has you sunk feel the mids pump
Blessed are those who erupt when we turm up
Right now we corrupt
Cons the shades we don in the neon night
We're gonna feed on the mics and blast through a pipe
I gotta feed on the mics and blast through a pipe
I gotta cool capability to toast and ill
Yo my daddy told me, "Hey son you must act chill"
Alien rough
My galaxy is tough
Here comes the bang of a hip-hop thang that we bring and swing
Men from Mars aint ever gonna hang
With dope Buddha's come to the stage we are attackin
Space assassin naked live and never slackin
Come a day on the way enter on S.A.
Amplified form another world far away
I got the pang of a gang and I come from the Southside
Here's the thang that I bring and I promise to come live