Stephan Eicher

Two People In A Room

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I put my feelings in a spoon, try to carry them to the moon
Spill my love these tears from above, the wound cut down to the bone
Leave me leave me all alone, cause her knife was too sharp
Baby but then I met you, you took away my blues
I don't wanna fall in love with you
Cause one day one day, I sing the same sad song for you

Two people in a room, two pieces of my heart
You're all I need tonight, at least we've got a start

I look at you, you look back at me
I can see you're lonesome just like me
And here they come, these waves of fear
Cause one day one day, I sing the same sad song for you

Two people in a room, two pieces of my heart
You're all I need tonight, at least we've got a start

But then I met you, you took away my blues
But I don't wanna fall in love with you
Cause one day one day, I sing the same sad song for you

Two people in a room, two pieces of my heart
You're all I need tonight, at least we've got a start.