Aesthetic Perfection

The Little Death

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What keeps the heart on going?

What keeps the heart on going
Once it is flawed and grey?
What makes the blood keep flowing?
Three words that never change
I don't know
Don't lose hope

Because I'll cut your throat
You have to know
It's not personal
But if I let you go
I'll live my life alone

What keeps the passion burning
When you don't have a flame?
A cold machine is working
Everything ends the same
I don't know
Stay so pure

Can you show?
Can you fight?
What is wrong
Can be right

'Cause I'll cut your throat
'Cause I'll cut your throat
'Cause I'll cut your throat
What keeps the heart on going?

What keeps the heart on going
Once it is flawed and grey?
What makes the blood keep flowing?
Three words that never change
I don't know
Don't lose hope

Because I'll cut your throat
You have to know
It's not personal
But if I let you go
I'll live my life alone

What keeps the passion burning
When you don't have a flame?
A cold machine is working
Everything ends the same
I don't know
Stay so pure

Can you show?
Can you fight?
What is wrong
Can be right

'Cause I'll cut your throat
'Cause I'll cut your throat
'Cause I'll cut your throat

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Aesthetic Perfection en Septiembre