Lucky Soul

Upon Hilly Fields

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Ride a blue eyed horse far away from home, far away from fear into the fields I go. I took the road less run, took a lover on a long, cold lonely night and now sorrow, sorrow wears me like a badge.
But my heart was yours to steal, as long as the grass grows upon
Fields, where you took my arms and taught them how to feel.
How I loved you.
Put my faith in words, bet my life on harmony and when the bubble burst I felt the pain wash over me, see how the branches bow, a sad reflection of a love that weighed too much and toppled, strangled by its wanderlust.
But my heart was yours to steal, as long as the shadows upon
Fields, where you took my arms and taught them how to feel.
How I loved you.
Sunset and fields turn sepia, dusk settling deep in your arms, how could I come to any harm?
But my heart crushed beneath your heel, and scattered like ashes upon
Fields, where you took my heart, ainÂ't made of steel, it cracks when the sun falls upon
Fields, but if you asked me now if I would do it all again, how I'd love to.