Seth MacFarlane

Anytime, Anywhere

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You could leave tomorrow
Fly to Mandalay
Darling, I would love you anyway
I just couldn't help but care
Anytime, anywhere

You can keep me waiting every single day
I'll be there to meet you anyway
You make life a love affair
Anytime, anywhere

Why should I lie and pretend
I don't belong to you
Why even try when it makes no difference
What you do, I'll be true

Take my heart completely
Treat me as you may
I am yours forever anyway
All I have is yours to share
Anytime, anyplace, anywhere

Take my heart completely
Treat me as you may
I am yours forever anyway
All I have is yours to share
Anytime, anyplace, anywhere

Autor(es): Imogen Carpenter / Lenny Adelson