A Truly Gifted Man

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It was the night of his tenth birthday and, just like all other nights
Louis had crept down beside his mother in her bed
But this particular night she had grabbed him in his arm and pulled him back to his room

"You are not a kid anymore", she said when she closed the door behind her
When he was lying there, back in his own bed, with a blanket over his head trying to sleep, he heard a voice "Louis"

He sat up and stared at the door at the end of the room
The room was completely dark apart from a small beam of light coming
From the keyhole something was moving outside, he could see the
Light shifting in the hole, Louis swallowed

"Who's there?" he asked with a whisper
Something hit the door and all his blood rushed to the top of his
Mom, he thought
"Not mom Louis, it's me"

Someone replied and louis heard a scraping
Sound against the door
Louis wanted to run, but he couldn't
Move, "food, Louis, food" more hitting on the door
Louis screamed: "Mom!"

Among the animals backstage
At safe distance from the cage
Two workers looked upon the beast
This will be tough to say the least

Louis the tamer
Remarkable man indeed
With just one movement, a look or elusive sound
He gets them right where he wants

It can't be done, he'll need a year
There's not a chance he'll tame that bear
You know that thing is pretty mean
It was the biggest thing they'd seen

Louis the tamer
He's such a peculiar man
There is a saying
That he can tame anything
Even your unwilling wife

Looking like us
But moving like them
They listen, they nod
They understand

If you come close
You'll see it clear
He listens, they speak
He's one of them

Lions, whales
Foolish snails
Beavers, guppies
Stupid puppies

He tames them all
A truly gifted man

From out of nowhere he appeared
A big white smile, a brown thick beard
He said: "one minute, not a year, you humans just don't see
Things clear"

Louis released him
That drooling and growling bear
With just one gesture
He got him to calm his mind
They walked away hand in hand

Looking like us
But moving like them
They listen, they nod
They understand

If you come close
You'll see it clear
He listens, they speak
He's one of them

Cats and dogs
Nasty frogs
Rats, albinos
Filthy rhinos

He tames them all
A truly gifted man

Louis the tamer
Remarkable man indeed
With just one movement, a look or elusive sound
He gets them right where he wants

Looking like us
But moving like them
They listen, they nod
They understand

If you come close
You'll see it clear
He listens, they speak
A truly gifted man