Teddy Geiger

Better Now

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You've been driving down
Down to Buffalo
Like you don't care no more
And it's aright
If you tell me before you're gone
I asked you to your face
You weren't listening
You say it's nothing but
Now you won't call
We can't talk anymore

You found someone else
I thought you never would
I can't say that I like it better now
Yes, you found someone else
I thought you never would
I can't say that I like it better now

Do you remember when
Oh, the sun would rise
Through your window
And I'd be waiting to say hello
Good morning
Oh and I was spoken so soft spoken
But you helped me out
Now were falling
Never to be heard about

Yes, you found someone else
I thought you never would
I can't say that I like it better now
Yes, you found someone else
I thought you never would
I can't say that I like it better now
I don't like it better now
I don't like it better now
I don't like it better now