Ally Rhodes

Better Off Tomorrow

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Don't be what I want you to be
Cuz I don't want to have to see you bleed
Don't go where I want you to go
Cuz I don't want to have that kind of hold
On everything you are
I won't catch you in a jar
Like a firefly whose freedom burned out too soon
If you could walk a mile
In my shoes maybe you might
See it's breaking me down too
I know you can't tell right now but

You'll be better off tomorrow
Better off when I'm not here
I'm a bitter ending to what should be
A golden year and I'm just
Wasting all our blessings
Turning all the good things bad
I'm clouding up your sky
Holding onto what we have
And I've gotta let go
It's not easy I know
But you'll be better off tomorrow

I can't be what you want me to be
I can't give you what it is you need
If I could you know that I would
Even though I don't think I should
Cuz I'm not chasing sunsets anymore
I'm not lying face down on the floor
Trying to forget who you are and what your name is
I've grown up and I'm not trying to blame it
On anyone or anything else
Anyone or anything else but me
On anyone or anything else
Just know

You'll be better off tomorrow
Better off when i'm not here
I'm a bitter ending to what should be
A golden year and I'm just
Wasting all our blessings
Turning all the good things bad
I'm clouding up your sky
By holding onto what we have
And I've gotta let go
It's not easy I know
But you'll be better off tomorrow

Whoa, you'll be better off tomorrow

Autor(es): Ally Rhodes