Sweethearts Of The Rodeo

Chains of Gold

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(Paul Kennerley)

True love doesn't cost a dime
Some men think they can buy your time
I don't need a diamond on my hand
What a fool I was, he's the heart of a man.

Chains of gold, proof if any
When our love don't mean a thing
All I want is someone to hold
True love means more than chains of gold.

Sweet words whispered in the night
Warm touch with arms that hold you tight
These things a woman needs to feel loving
Kove is wrong if love isn't real.

Chains of gold, proof if any
When our love don't mean a thing
All I want is someone to hold
True love means more than chains of gold.

Chains of gold, proof if any
When our love don't mean a thing
All I want is someone to hold
True love means more than chains of gold...

Autor(es): Paul Kennerley

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