Agua de Annique

Day After Yesterday

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Today is the day after yesterday
And yesterday didn't go so well
My love came down and assured me:
Sit down I have something to tell

When I met you my eyes hurt
That is how beautiful you are
I don't suppose I could feel this way
If I'd still have you by my side
By my side

I did not anticipate your candour
Even though I didn't know you too well
They say one door closed another door open
But these door is leading me straight to hell

When I met you my eyes hurt
That is how beautiful you are
I don't suppose I could feel this way
If I'd still have you by my side
By my side

I'm just broken up
I'm caving in
That is how tired I am
I don't suppose I could feel all this way...

Autor(es): Anneke van Giersbergen