Teddy Geiger

Coming Through in Stereo

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You say you're gonna go far
With your new tattoo and an old guitar
Why waste another lonely night
When you can live your life like a rock and roll star?

Turn up that radio song
Keep it on while it's coming in strong
We're coming through in stereo
Don't look back cause here we go

Now you wake up in a brand new town
We play that song to a brand new crowd
With the melody they sing along
"Yeah there's no stopping us now"

Turn up that radio song
Keep it on while it's coming in strong
We're coming through in stereo
Don't look back cause here we go

Turn up that radio song
Keep it on while it's comin' in strong
We're comin' through in stereo
Don't look back it's here we go

(here we go)

Turn up that radio song
Keep it on while it's comin' in strong
We're comin' through in stereo
Don't look back it's here we go

Turn up that radio song
Keep it on while it's coming in strong
We're coming through in stereo
Don't look back cause here we go

Turn up that radio song
Keep it on while it's coming in strong
We're coming through in stereo
Don't look back cause here we go

We're coming through in stereo
Don't look back cause here we go

We're coming through in stereo
Don't look back cause here we go

(here we go)
(here we go)