Acid Bath

Cradled In The Arms Of Death

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In the year 2025
Only the rich are supposed to be alive
The corpse of a great usurper through disguise
Fall in through the smoke just waiting their time
You can all lick it, we can suck bones
Feel free to stone, all hope is gone


*distorted vocal part* - "I support this in death"

The rich built the stockades from their ear
Dreams of the wake from dying stare
The future is now, there is no relief
The ___ suffocate on their own grief
Dying, beating, bleeding and more
Humanity is an open sore

Cradle warming death till dawn
Close behind, the insects hum
Only with a million eyes
Always following your own advice

Watch me now, I'm walking through these liquid realms of hate
Swim with me, on to the moon and watch them decimate
Cradling the arms of deadborn ____
Through these fields release your ___

Incinerators warm bodies through the night
All trespassers will be shot on sight
Self-mutilation is such a scream
Is this really the American dream?
Assassinate the president, take control
The nation has come a new counter of soul

Cradle warming death till dawn
Close behind the insects hum
Only with a million eyes
Always following your own advice