Teddy Geiger


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Snow is falling in July
All the clocks have
Stopped telling time
The unaware, the pedestal
The comedy, the casual lights

And late at night I lie awake
Laughing out loud at myself
Asking why can't I try
Why the words get
Stuck in my mouth

I'm crushed
It's just I can't take it no more
Just I can't breathe
When she's around

When you tell I'm nervous
That I think about the curve of your lips
The look away, this apathy
The sarcasm's hard to resist

And late at night I call you up
And wonder how you cannot know
But this rush to my face
Never feels
Out of place

I'm just crushed
Just I can't take it no more
Just I can't breathe
When she's around

It's just that I'm crushed
I just can't stop thinking of her
Just I can't breathe
When she's around, yeah

I want you
But it's wrong to
Help me lift this weight
Oh, don't wait cause

I'm crushed
It's just I can't take it not more
Just I can't breathe
When she's around

Oh, it's just that I'm crushed
I can't take it
But I'm just crushed
Oh crushed
Ooh crushedIt's just I can't breathe

When she's around

Autor(es): Teddy Geiger