The Bangles

Dover Beach

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If I had the time
I would run away with you
To a perfect world
We'd suspend all that is duty or required.

Late last night you cried
And I couldn't come to you
But on the other side
You and I, inseparable and walking.

Yeah, oh woe.

If we could steal away
Like jugglers and thieves
But we could come and go
Oh, and talk of Michaelangelo.

Oh woe.

If we had the time (we had the time)
We had the time.

The day you looked at me
And it was on your mind
The world is no one's dream
We will never ever find the time.

Oh woe.

If we had the time
I would run away with you
To a perfect world
(To a perfect world).

Autor(es): Susanna Hoffs

Dover Beach de The Bangles

Esta canción aparece en 13 discos

Live Broadcast - 28 September 1984 the Ritz, East Village NY (Live) - The Bangles
Live Broadcast - 28 September 1984 the Ritz, East Village NY (Live)
Legendary FM Broadcasts - The Ritz, East Village NY 28 September 1984 - The Bangles
Legendary FM Broadcasts - The Ritz, East Village NY 28 September 1984
The Ritz, New York '84 - The Bangles
The Ritz, New York '84
The Very Best of Bangles - The Bangles
The Very Best of Bangles
Playlist: The Very Best of the Bangles - The Bangles
Playlist: The Very Best of the Bangles
Walk Like an Egyptian: The Best of the Bangles - The Bangles
Walk Like an Egyptian: The Best of the Bangles
We Are the 80's - The Bangles
We Are the 80's
We Are the '80s - The Bangles
We Are the '80s
Bangles - The Bangles
Manic Monday - The Bangles
Manic Monday
All Over the Place - The Bangles
All Over the Place
All Over the Place - The Bangles
All Over the Place
All Over the Place - The Bangles
All Over the Place
Ver todos los discos