A House

Don't Ever Think You're Different

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If you like you can smoke a cigarette
You can put some funny paint on it
Don't ever think you're different

If you like you can fly a plane
You can drive a fast car, [?], kick a ball
Don't ever think you're different

If you like you can do a foxtrot
You can pull the walls, dive, jump or twist
Don't ever think you're different

If you like you can be an actor
You can write a poem, drop a bomb, shoot an animal
Don't ever think you're different

If you like you can think in colors
You can white elephant, dark horse, black sheep
Don't ever think you're different

You can try screaming at anything
You can try to get it out of you
Don't ever think you're different

Don't ever think you're different

Don't ever think you're different