Teddy Geiger


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Backyard games were never the same
I couldn't keep my girl but I kept your name
I crashed my car but I'm still alive
Oh you should have been around to teach me to drive

Well I don't know much about you
I'm trying to live without you
But I just keep falling down
But you are not around
So down I'm lying on the ground
Is this a disease or do you ever feel like me

I saw a picture of you and you had a guitar
So I learned how to play but I don't want to be who you are
My mother cries alone in her room
Two times a year in December and June

I don't know much about you
I'm trying to live without you
But I just keep on falling down
But you are not around
So down I'm lying on the ground
Is this a disease or do you ever feel like me

Well I don't know much about you
I'm trying to live without you
But I just keep on falling down
But you are not around

Down I'm lying on the ground
I'm down and you are not around
So down I'm lying on the ground
Is this a disease or do you ever feel like me